Afridigest Week in Review: Kobo comes out of the closet
+M&A Madness +Private wealth in Africa +The Capiter shitshow +Janngo's not playing around +Afridigest Lagos meetup in October +Biz ideas from Twitter +Lots of congrats! +Check out
Some news: We quietly began reanimating the Afridigest website over the weekend & our 'super app' article hit #1 on Hacker News — the comments are definitely worth a look. Oh, is now accepting submissions from thinkgals and thinkbois too 🧠. And if you’re in Lasgidi, I’m planning an Afridigest Lagos meetup in October — sign up 🤝🏼.
🚨 If you’re interested in investing in Africa Tech, please fill out this form 🚨
If you’re new, welcome 🙌🏽 — (assuming no delays) this Week in Review goes out on Mondays, the Fintech Review goes out on Sundays, and (if you’ve opted in) the French-language Revue de la Semaine goes out on Wednesdays. And from time to time, an original essay/article goes out on…