The Afridigest Week in Review is a must-read weekly recap for Africa-focused founders, executives, and investors, as well as interested observers.
Welcome back! Last week was a slow week relative to deal news, but here’s some quick news/comments:
1. Since Week 30’s digest, I published 'A potent way to compete in Africa's fragmented markets is by deploying platforms.' Among the feedback here was "Very succinct…very important themes and really good examples to illustrate your points" and "Great opening, but feels like it fizzled in the second half" — I read and learn from all feedback so please keep them coming!
2. Thanks to those who’ve expressed interest in the Thought Circles concept. I’ll start reaching out this week — for others, please sign-up here.
If you’re new, welcome 🙌 — you’ll receive 2 weekly Afridigest emails: an original essay (on Saturdays at 7pm-ish Lagos time) and the weekly digest (every Monday at ~12 noon Lagos time). For past essays and digests, visit the archive. And…