Afridigest Week in Review: Cash for communal savings systems
+Unicorn births in Africa +Sign up for the upcoming Lagos meetup +Thinking in 3D +Inside 54gene’s series of debacles +Cyborgs not Androids +Twitter's time up in Africa? +More
The Afridigest Week in Review is a must-read weekly recap for Africa-focused founders, executives, and investors.
Welcome back, friends! The most clicked link from last week was Nicolás Abad’s 'Startup post mortem: Neta.'And if you missed yesterday’s Fintech Review, it’s here.
📌 The Afridigest reader meetup in Lagos is happening later this month — sign-up here if you’ll be in town please. And thanks to those who’ve become paid supporters of this newsletter, we expect to kick off some new formats this month.
If you’re new, welcome 🙌🏽 — you're among thousands of readers who receive this Week in Review on Mondays, the Fintech Review on Sundays, and (for those who've opted in) the French-language Revue de la Semaine on Wednesdays. And from time to time, an original essay/article goes out on Saturdays. For past essays and digests, visit the archive.